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Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year Resolutions

I took a couple weeks to go back over the past year and evaluate where I could do better and maybe pick up my pace, uh.., not that I am wining any races or going over the speed limit in fast living in any measure so far. I am feeling stronger compared to last year and hope to be able to do more in the coming year. So once again I’ve made lists and worked out a schedule- if nothing else it keeps my brain cells active. I plan to try and work on my computer every day, write a magazine article each month, and start back working on my five books that have lain abandoned, besides doing my usual weekly newspaper article, and keeping up with emails. Then on a personal note I hope to be able to get my hair combed more regularly and dressed without expending too much of my energy level that fluctuates daily. I’m not promising miracles, but every bit will certainly help. I extend my sympathy to my poor family, who has had to see the bag lady dragging around for far too long already. Their patience with my blundering attempts to try and keep up with basic house chores helps my flagging self-esteem on bad days. Then I have tried to break down the long list of things needing to get done and kept in control around the house- like spider webs and dust. Whew! I may need a week just to recuperate from all my resolutions- just kidding! Like they say, it’s better to make goals and fail rather than not set any goals and succeed.

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