
Welcome to my Lyme blog where you enter the world of Lyme Disease and get a firsthand glimpse of what Lyme can do to a person!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Lyme Light

Lyme Light
Dorcas Annette Walker

I’d like to shed some light on Lyme’s disease, which has become a debatable subject in the medical field. I don’t have any doctorate behind my name. I’m just a patient that lives with an incurable disease. It all started with a tick bite- something I thought at the time insignificant. Now I’m in the third stage battling to get this disease back into remission before it attacks my vital organs. You can read about how it all started at: www.dorcasannettewalker.com. I want to give the disease of Lyme a human face, a voice, to raise awareness of a silent epidemic that changes a person’s entire world. I need a listening ear as I vent my frustrations on my journey back to normal and relight the spark to once again believe that my life will count for something. It seems incredible that a tiny tick could cause so much havoc- reducing my busy lifestyle where I had everything neatly compartmentalized into struggling day by day to function normally. I’ve stumbled into a twilight zone where one is dependent on pills to exist. I struggle amidst the fog in my brain to find a door, an exit, to where life is normal. I yearn to join the mass of humanity that races past me just out of reach. My spirit rebels at living on the sideline with a body that refuses to cooperate. There has to be a light somewhere that will lead me out of this confusion into freedom. So I’ll keep searching, reaching to find the key to unlock my prison.

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